How do I become a Mason?


We welcome all men of good character regardless of race, color or religion for membership in the oldest fraternity in the world. The basic requirements are:

-To have been an Oregon resident for at least six months;

-Is at least 18 years of age;

-Has a belief in a Supreme Being and the immortality of the soul. This belief is not proscribed, rather we encourage you to be steadfast in the faith of your choice. Atheists are not allowed to become Masons;

-Lives a good and moral life.

What Is The Process?

A man interested in joining a Masonic Lodge in Oregon:

-Must ask for and complete an application form called a Petition For the Degrees Of Masonry. One of the traditions in Freemasonry is that membership is not openly solicited by current members—if you want to join, you must ask for a Petition.

-Must have two current Lodge members in good standing of the Lodge you are wishing to join agree to sign your Petition, recommending you as a candidate for membership.

-Must have a criminal history background check completed through the Oregon State Police. (Convicted felons are NOT allowed to be Masonic members).

-The Lodge will hear your Petition at the next Stated Meeting after the petition is received. If approved, the Worshipful Master will assign a three-person Investigation Committee to meet with you and your family to discuss your application and to make a determination of your qualifications. They will also contact the five references you provided on your Petition as a part of the background investigation.

-Generally, the Investigation Committee will report back to the Lodge with the results of the background investigation at the next Stated Meeting. If returned as a favorable recommendation, the Lodge will then vote on your qualifications by secret ballot.

-If approved, you are then eligible to be initiated with the three degrees of Masonry—Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason—as have all members who have joined before you.

-If, for some reason, your Petition is rejected, you will also be notified in writing.

Where to Start?

Fill out our contact form, call us at 541-389-7407 or email us at  (This email address is being protected from spambots. You will need JavaScript enabled to view it.)